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We are a church full of people with every kind of story imaginable and


Too often people confuse the church with a building and God with a rule maker that wants to stop us from living life.

We believe God has called us to love Him with our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and that knowing Jesus helps us to live life to the full!

If you are looking for a place to attend church for an hour per week, this may not be the place for you. But, if you are looking for a place to be in community, to serve, and to know Jesus more and more, we think this is your new spiritual home!

We are a church full of people with every kind of story imaginable and we are saving a place for you.

Pastor Steven and wife Sally

Our Pastor

Our Lead Pastor, Steven is a down to earth bloke who knows what is like to work hard, struggle and overcome.

“My faith has been the single most important part of my life. It has given me perspective on who I am, how loved I am and how small my problems are when taken to a great God in prayer”.

“Our whole family is privileged to be able to serve the Maitland community and this church, to help others discover living hope for the future.”

Steven has been married to Sally for 20 years and they have three wonderful children together.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead
— 1 Peter 1:3 (ESV)

Living Hope is more than a name

It is a promise from scripture about our identity. It tells us about the difference jesus has made in our lives and how to live each day to the full.

We are Born Again. Because of Jesus we get a new life and can lay down the baggage of the past.

We have Living Hope that is renewed each and every day and shapes our future.

We live in the Resurrection of Jesus. His life, death, and resurrection tells us a new story about our lives.



Our Growth Track helps keep us on track

We have put these four steps in place to keep us focused on what matters. Loving God and loving people. They help us to focuse our energy, direction, and activity. Some people might call it a disipleship process. For us, it is spiritual intention to help people grow in thier faith.


Know God

Creating life-giving experiences for you to Know God for the first time or know Him better.

Find Freedom

Creating grace-filled lifegroups where you can explore the life of faith with others.

Discover Purpose

Helping you to discover your God given gifts that shape who you are.

Make a Difference

Helping you to discover the right places to use your gifts to help others


What we value

Growth Jesus has given us great commandments and a great commission. We share His love with the world to see His church grow, and people grow in their faith.

Restoration JJesus invites us to see the restoration of all things. We live to see ourselves, our families, our friends, our neighbours, and our community, restored in Living Hope

Authenticity We make the Scriptures our guide for life; living in accordance with Christ's love, grace, and truth in all aspects of our lives.

Community The basis of community is loving one another the way Jesus loves us. With grace and forgiveness. Community is not a goal, it is a way of being.

Engagement We believe in the priesthood of all believers, where every member is a minister. Together we put our spiritual gifts into action to engage the world around us.

What we believe

At the heart of our church exist these key ideas:

We believe that we are greatly loved by God and that He has done everything possible to open the way to relationship with Him.

We believe in the dignity and value of all people no matter their personal circumstances.

We believe that the church is a place to find healing and acceptance.

We believe that when we come to faith we become a new creation. The old is gone and a new life takes its place.


What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?
— James 2:14-16 (NLT)


Living H(OP)E Shop

The Living H(OP)E Shop is the op shop for everyone. People can find cared for clothing, toys, games, craft, homewares, bric-a-brac, and so much more.

The shop was established over 20 years ago with a vision of practically helping everyone we can in our local community of East Maitland.

The Op Shop is completely volunteer run which means we have the lowest prices on essentials of any other Op Shop around.


Living Hope Shop Entry Living Hope Shop Logo

1 Garnett Road, East Maitland

We want you to join with us

You're a person who loves Jesus but doesn't have a church

There is a place for you to use your God given gifts to build something wonderful within our communities.

Come along to a Sunday service or a prayer meeting. Hear our heart and vision. Then join us in the spreading living hope.

You're curious about Jesus and want to know more

You are in the right place. Our Sunday gatherings are a good place to start, but we also have groups that meet during the week to explore what it means to practically.

You don't need to dress up in the "Sunday best". We think your great just as you are.